Tagged: Publications

simple continuous line design with recruiter and candidate

How to Conduct Job Interviews When You’re New To Interviewing

Interviewing well and in a way that optimizes the prediction of job fit and performance is a frequent concern for folks new to (and experienced in) interviewing. It’s a topic I spend a fair amount of time on in my HR management course.  Irina Cozma just published an excellent, accessible...

Photo of boxes stating different aspects of narcissism and selfishness

Article out on narcissists’ experience of perceived overqualification in the workplace

Announcing a new publication on narcissism, perceived overqualification, job frustration, and counterproductive work behaviors: Wiegand, J. P. (2023). When overqualification turns dark: A moderated-mediation model of perceived overqualification, narcissism, frustration, and counterproductive work behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 214, 112351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2023.112351 The paper was published under an open access license...