Category: Guides

A LimeSurvey Solution for Linked/Dyadic Data Collection

I’d like to share a solution for collecting linked/dyadic data from a simple online survey.  The following instruction is specific to the open-source LimeSurvey application, but could be used as a template for expansion to other survey platforms.  Notably, LimeSurvey is free. First things first, you’ll need generate and save...

A Scripted Solution to O*NET Occupation Coding

Do you collect occupation or job titles and recode to O*NET?  If you do, you know the process is tedious and time-consuming.  Multiple raters should be used and even in the best cases, unnecessary error is added by the re-coding process. In an effort to let survey respondents decide on...

Vertical Editing (in TexStudio)

Vertical editing (or column selection) is a very helpful tool available in many text editors.  It allows for columns to be selected and edited instead of rows.  This can be great for copying and pasting in table information for an entire column that otherwise would need to be copied and...

Audio/MIDI Mixing Procedure

There is not a singular way to mix down a song. Nevertheless, there is a logical flow to getting a song where you want it.  Here’s mine: EDITING/TIMING Flatten and merge comps (compilations of takes) Establish phase-locked groups (for any instruments recorded with multiple tracks) Bus groups (for applying effects...

Using Zotero with LaTeX (and, naturally, BibTex)

If you don’t yet know, Zotero is a fantastic choice for reference management.  If you manage references you should use it.  It does everything at least as well as the competition and does one thing the competition does not–it clips not only citations, but also full text PDFs from all major...

Calculus Refresh?

For stat students (or anyone) wanting a fast refresh on calculus with a few different learning options, allow me to share my suggestions. 1.  20 minutes.  And who knew learning Calculus could be this entertaining?  It’s worth it for the sound effects alone. 2.  I like P. Lutus, he’s an interesting fellow...