Author: Justin

simple continuous line design with recruiter and candidate

How to Conduct Job Interviews When You’re New To Interviewing

Interviewing well and in a way that optimizes the prediction of job fit and performance is a frequent concern for folks new to (and experienced in) interviewing. It’s a topic I spend a fair amount of time on in my HR management course.  Irina Cozma just published an excellent, accessible...

Photo of boxes stating different aspects of narcissism and selfishness

Article out on narcissists’ experience of perceived overqualification in the workplace

Announcing a new publication on narcissism, perceived overqualification, job frustration, and counterproductive work behaviors: Wiegand, J. P. (2023). When overqualification turns dark: A moderated-mediation model of perceived overqualification, narcissism, frustration, and counterproductive work behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 214, 112351. The paper was published under an open access license...

Justin Wiegand's 20s EP Album Art

Album Release! 20s EP

Released my first (probably only:) personal album on Spotify and other major streaming services. Six songs written in my 20s… so, the 20s EP (to be fair, a couple were recorded or modified in my 30s:) Recording locations include Normal, IL, Baton Rouge, LA, and Champaign, IL. Writing locations include...

A LimeSurvey Solution for Linked/Dyadic Data Collection

I’d like to share a solution for collecting linked/dyadic data from a simple online survey.  The following instruction is specific to the open-source LimeSurvey application, but could be used as a template for expansion to other survey platforms.  Notably, LimeSurvey is free. First things first, you’ll need generate and save...

A Scripted Solution to O*NET Occupation Coding

Do you collect occupation or job titles and recode to O*NET?  If you do, you know the process is tedious and time-consuming.  Multiple raters should be used and even in the best cases, unnecessary error is added by the re-coding process. In an effort to let survey respondents decide on...

Mariners Kept Album Art

Album Release! Mariners – Kept EP

I’m excited announce the newest release from the Studio, “Kept,” a four song EP by the Mariners.  “Kept” was recorded and produced by the Mariners and mixed and mastered at Sound Foundry Studio.  You can read up on the album, stream it, and download it (for free or a tip) on...

Examining Misfit Asymmetry for Interests and Job Satisfaction #SIOP2016

For those at SIOP and interested, I’ll be presenting “A Three-Dimensional Examination of Misfit Asymmetry for Interests and Job Satisfaction.”  The presentation includes an introduction to a new response surface method (“Response Surface Sampling Methodology”) that is well suited to cross-validation and accounts for areas of misfit.  Session details are below.  Hope to see...