Justin Wiegand Blog Scholarship | Recording

Picture of LER Office Basement

Self-guided office tour

Seeing as the semester is just about over–and Christmas is right around the corner–I am providing a self-guided tour of LER’s office 17!  What else?

Funny HLM

Funny HLM1 Funny HLM2 Images by SAS.

Mariners Album fully supported!

Very excited to see this project fully supported and then some!  Great time working with these guys at The Foundry–can’t wait for the release!

Live: AOM NDSC 2015 Website

As 2015 Academy of Management New Doctoral Student Consortium PDW co-chair (with LER’s very own Brandon Grant) and web chair, I’m excited to announce the 2015 refresh of the NDSC website is complete.  I’ve simplified the content and cleaned things up a bit… be looking for registration details and schedule in...

Stop missing data!

Missing data is not ideal, but is a reality with most research.  This is especially true of social science research where data often comes from subjects who are not forced to complete a survey or question they do not want to. Researchers get scared by the idea of “imputing” data for missing values,...

Vertical Editing (in TexStudio)

Vertical editing (or column selection) is a very helpful tool available in many text editors.  It allows for columns to be selected and edited instead of rows.  This can be great for copying and pasting in table information for an entire column that otherwise would need to be copied and...

Likert pronunciation (Spoiler alert: LICK-ert)

This may be a bit ridiculous, but Likert Scales get used quite a lot in my reading and research.  Dan Newman stressed that Dr. Likert’s name is pronounced LICK-ert, but so many others use LIKE-ert.  In the interest of using a common language and honoring a person’s name, I want...

Audio/MIDI Mixing Procedure

There is not a singular way to mix down a song. Nevertheless, there is a logical flow to getting a song where you want it.  Here’s mine: EDITING/TIMING Flatten and merge comps (compilations of takes) Establish phase-locked groups (for any instruments recorded with multiple tracks) Bus groups (for applying effects...

Using Zotero with LaTeX (and, naturally, BibTex)

If you don’t yet know, Zotero is a fantastic choice for reference management.  If you manage references you should use it.  It does everything at least as well as the competition and does one thing the competition does not–it clips not only citations, but also full text PDFs from all major...